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RE: Alternate syntax for field access/method calls


> For myself, I use namespaces 99% of the time.  So instead of:
> >   (invoke (invoke someObject 'method1) 'method2 a b)
> I write:
>     (define-namespace class1 <com.merced.SomeClass>)
>     (define-namespace class2 <com.merced.SomeClass2>)
>     (class2:method2 (class1:method1 someObject) a b)
> You can also do this if it's more convenient:
>     (com.merced.SomeClass2:method2 
> (com.merced.SomeClass:method1 someObject) 
>                                    a b)

Agreed. I also use namespaces a lot, as well as the latter technique (but
as often, since it's so verbose). But if my variables are already typed,
it's a shame
having to "type" the method calls too, IMHO:

  (define (f (someObject :: <com.nuecho.SomeClass>))
     (SomeClass:method1 someObject))

  (define (f (someObject :: <com.nuecho.SomeClass>))
     [someObject (method1)])

Also, for classes defined using "define-simple-class", the namespace thing
is not
as convenient since I have to put the fully qualified name of the class, not
simply the
class name. So I have to write:

(module-name <com.nuecho.mypackage.mymodule>)
(define-simple-class <AClass> (<Object>) ...)

(define-namespace classA <com.nuecho.mypackage.AClass>)

And this works only if the module is compiled... 


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