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Re: kawa-java string compatibility proposal

Per Bothner wrote:
... Given this model, how shoudl be implement the two kinds of strings?

Using java.lang.String for immutable strings is a possibility, but
it has some problems:  Current Kawa represents Scheme symbols using
java.lang.String, and it would have to be changed (to use
gnu.mapping.Symbol, like JEmacs does).  This might break a lot of
existing code, plus it would require a lot of work on my part.

I appreciate the big impact that such a change would have and would be reluctant to make it too. But I think that if Kawa's string handling is going to be changed at this point it should be fixed in the best possible way.

The problem with retaining the use of j.l.String for symbols is that it continues the practice of Kawa programmers relying on knowledge of this implementation detail. That is why it would break existing code and there will just be more of it as time goes on. Kawa having to use a special class for the special purpose of symbols is entirely sensible (of course I can relate to the compiler effeciency consideration that led to the choice of j.l.String too).

Given that the real big win is for Kawa/Java programmers getting what they expect ("literal" and <string> are j.l.String), I doubt it is worthwhile making significant changes that don't achieve that. Adding coercion where the compiler can figure it out it is needed is certainly a good thing though.

Another problem with using java.lang.String is that it would make
the Scheme <string> type be a "union type" - a union of two
unrelated Java classes.  Neither Java or Kawa deal well with unions.

True, but AFAICT you're already committed to dealing with the interoperability/coercion issues.

We could define <string> as <java.lang.CharSequence> but that means
losing the ability to run with JDK 1.3 or older.

I like that idea. Since the build (preprocessing for Java version is already done now, we just need a fancier tool) can keep Kawa's code from becoming obtuse, I think it is the best approach since it is Java fixing the exact problem you're looking at and doing it the right way.

But wouldn't the way to go be to have <string> be j.l.String and <mutable-string> be j.l.StringBuffer? My understanding of R5RS 6.5.3 (string-set! examples) is that literals are immutable. Isn't that what we all want?

A better solution is to use two - or three Java classes, for mutable
strings, immutable strings, and a common super-class.  There are
various ways of doing this, but I'm leaning towards:

gnu.lists.FString // <string>
gnu.lists.VString extends FString // <mutable-string>
("VString" for "variable string".)

The "type" of immutable strings would be the "differnce"
between <string> and <mutable-string> - i.e. those whose
class is FString.

I believe this derivation is upside down. Either mutable and immutable strings can be siblings of an immutable class (as in the j.l.CharSequence tree), or you can derive an immutable string from a mutable one (which I think is best and they had to compromise because it would break backwards compatibility).

But you can't derive mutable strings from immutable ones (because you can't find out whether it is immutable by it's class which is very important information and allows you to pass an immutable object to a method that requires mutability). If you could, we and everyone else would have been creating subclasses of j.l.String like crazy.

Jim White

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