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Re: Using Emacs with Kawa

"Tony anon" <> writes:
> I'm afraid that kawa is ignoring the change to the prompt in
> kawarc.scm.

Looks like you've found a work around so I won't spend much time on
the .kawarc.scm problem.  I've experienced the same issue you talk
about and to be honest I don't use the exact setup I sent you.  What I
do is create a special startup file that I call in the Emacs kawa
only.  One of these ways:

  (setq scheme-program-name
        "java -Xmx750m kawa.repl -f /home/ctdean/.kawarc-manual.scm -s")


  (setq scheme-program-name
        "kawa -f /home/ctdean/.kawarc-manual.scm -s")

I do this for a couple of boring reasons, one of which might be the
prompt startup problem you were talking about.  I don't have ready
access to Kawa here, so I can't test it.

Good luck on your further Kawa adventures.  

Chris Dean

P.S. A nice Kawa kaon is "Is a Scheme symbol a Java string?".

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