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Re: "Image-based development" with Kawa

Oliver Flasch wrote:
This is interesting. However, my system does not have the concept of a
"source file" per se. Would it be possible to implement a "compile"
macro/procedure, which would take a list of expressions and compile them
as if they where contained in a source file passed to "compile-file"?

It should be trivial to generalize to a Reader (i.e. a sequence of characters), but taking an intermediate list structure may be harder. The Kawa compiler interleaves reading (chars -> lists) and expansion (lists -> internal form).

Make sure <my-class> "references" the enclosing module, so it gets
serialized.  You can probably do that by serializing its ClassLoader,
which is an ArrayClassLoader (see below).

Can you give me a hint on how to get hold on this ArrayClassLoader when the class has been defined in a read-eval-print loop (where all interaction with my system actually takes place, I am not using "compile-file" at all, at this point in time)?

I think you answer your own question later.

Sorry if this is a stupid question to ask, but it might help my understanding a lot if you could comment on the following behavior I observe in a Kawa read-eval-print loop. I am using the <2d-vector> class from the Kawa docs (which has some methods defined):

#> (define-simple-class <2d-vector> () [...])
-> undefined

#> (*:getMethods <2d-vector>)
-> #!null ;; no methods defined?

#> (*:scale (*:add (make <2d-vector>) (make <2d-vector>)) 1.0)
-> $N2d$Mnvector@992bae

#> (*:getMethods <2d-vector>)
-> $N2d$Mnvector.add($N2d$Mnvector)$N2d$Mnvector

#> (*:getClassLoader (*:getClass <2d-vector>))
-> sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@133056f ;; an AppClassLoader, not an

Note that the "value" of the name <2d-vector> is an instance of gnu.bytecode.ClassType, not an instannce of java.lang.Class. The reason is ClassType can be used to name a class at compile-time that doesn't yet exist, since it hasn't been compiled yet.

This causes some confusion.   It may be possible to revisit this
separation, but I haven't thought through the issues involved.

I learned from your "Kawa internals" paper that "non-simple" forms, like class-definitions, passed to a read-eval-print loop are in fact wrapped into a ModuleBody which gets rewritten into a ModuleExp. This is then compiled to bytecodes forming a Runnable class. In the case of a class-definition, the interactively defined class would be represented as an inner class of this Runnable class. If I understand you correctly, the bytecodes are then loaded via an ArrayClassLoader and the Runnable class is run. The solution to my problem then would be to get hold of this ArrayClassLoader and serialize it together with the ClassType object representing the interactively defined class. When de-serializing the class, I would have to de-serialize the associated ArrayClassLoader and register it as a parent of the current ClassLoader.

The last part sounds strange. It makes more sense to de-serialize the ArrayClassLoader, and get load the serialized class from the copied classloader.

Could this work? If so, it would be possible to allow "image-based"
development in Kawa/Scheme, which would be a very important feature for
the domain I am working in.

Let's hope so! -- --Per Bothner

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