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java/kawa hello world example


I'm new to kawa and java. ?I was wondering if anyone can provide a
"hello world" example (more details are better) of how to write the
hello world example in java, create a jar file and then use that in
the kawa repl?

An example doing this using clojure is:

Java part:

package demo;
public class counter{
?? ? ? ?int c = 0;
?? ? ? ?public void increment()
?? ? ? ?{
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?++c;
?? ? ? ?}
?? ? ? ?public int get()
?? ? ? ?{
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return c;
?? ? ? ?}
?? ? ? ?public static int sqr(int x)
?? ? ? ?{
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?return x*x;
?? ? ? ?}

Clojure part:

;; To get this to run in SLIME do the following (where we're in demo/ to start):
;; > javac
;; > cd ../
;; > jar cvf demo.jar demo
;; > mv demo.jar lib/
;; Remember we were in demo/ to start. The directory lib/ is created when we
;; run lein new. So now we have the jar file we created placed with all of the
;; other jar files on the classpath. So we can continue:
;; > lein swank
;; Now start up emacs and M-x slime-connect (accepting and
4005 defaults).
;; At the repl in emacs do
;; user> (import '(demo counter))
;; user> (counter/sqr 4)



P.S. I asked this same question for abcl, so it'll be interesting to
campare the three methods (kawa, abcl and clojure).

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