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getting ready for kawa 1.11 release

I changed the version number in the SVN sources to 1.11.
I think we're getting close to release.  If there any bugs
I've forgotten about or perhaps a small easily-fixable annoyance,
now is the time to speak up!

Note that I recently changed the --warn framework a bit.
I added --warn-unknown-member, and changed --warn-invoke-unknown-method
to default to the value of --warn-unknown-member.  The errors for
missing slots where changed to warnings base depending on
--warn-unknown-member (which defualts to true) (and of course
--warn-as-error).  This might have de-stabilized something.

Before the release I need to add/update the documentation,
most critically add documentation on define-enum.  Also,
Jamison contributed an Ant <kawac> task I hope we can get in.
	--Per Bothner

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