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Re: Building KAWA on Eclipse?

It was true that there was no ant.jar in kawa-1.11/kawa/lib/ext,
differently from what is written in build.xml .
So, in Eclipse, I installed
  - apache-ant-1.8.2 to add ant.jar as an external jar to Kawa project
  - apache-tomcat-7.0.16 to add servlet-api.jar to Kawa project
  - Echo 2.1.1 to add
{Echo2_App,Echo2_WebContainer,Echo2_WebRender}.jar to Kawa project
and found out that I needed to add
  - org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.7.0.v3735b.jar to Kawa project
  - org.eclipse.jface_3.7.0.I20110522-1430
  - org.eclipse.jface.text_3.7.0.v20110505-0800
  - org.eclipse.jface.databinding_1.5.0.I20100907-0800

I managed to work around some of the previous errors, but I still
found 100 errors and 1279 warnings.
Some of those errors are

- Cannot override the final method from GapVector in line 81,
- ServletCallContext cannot be resolved in line 194,
- The field is not visible in line 110, gnu/jemacs/swt/
- The type CGIServletWrapper must implement the inherited abstract
method HttpServletRequest.authenticate(HttpServletResponse) in line
19, gnu/kawa/servlet/
- Type mismatch: cannot convert from Map.Entry to Entry in line 281,
- and so on.

Thanks all for your kind comments.


On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 6:18 AM, Jamison Hope <> wrote:
> On Jul 6, 2011, at 1:34 PM, Per Bothner wrote:
>> On 07/05/2011 01:24 AM, Kwanghoon Choi wrote:
>>> I have a question on building KAWA on Eclipse.
>>> Without Eclipse, it has been successfully built using Ant.
>>> ...
>>> Many errors
>>> are like this. "AndSelector cannot be resolved to a type.
>>> in
>>> @Override public void addAnd(AndSelector selector) {
>>> ? usedMatchingTask = true;
>>> ? super.addAnd(selector);
>>> }
>> Jamison, you added gnu/kawa/ant/, which contains the
>> reference to AndSelector. ?Do you know what that code depends on?
> It's a standard class in ant.jar
> (
> which appears to have been added to the project more than 9 years ago:
>> Could Eclipse (or at least Kwanghoon's version of Eclipse) be using
>> a version of Ant that is too old?
> I suppose it's possible, though I would be surprised if they were using Ant
> from
> 9 years ago. AndSelector is present at least as far back as Jakarta Ant 1.5
> (see which was released...
> 10 July 2002, according to
> It seems much more likely that Eclipse just doesn't have ant.jar in its
> classpath, or is using its own stripped-down version or something.
> Jamie
> --
> Jamison Hope
> The PTR Group

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