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Re: Module Import Bindings for Non-Main Classes

On 10/26/2011 11:45 AM, Taylor Venable wrote:
Hi everybody, another question; this time about importing module fields.
Suppose I have the following:
;; alpha.scm
(module-name "com.example.Alpha")
(define (test-a) (format #t "inside test-a~%"))
(define (make-test-b) (lambda () (format #t "inside test-b~%")))
(define test-b (make-test-b))
(define test-c 42)

;; beta.scm
(module-name "com.example.Beta")
(import (only (com example Alpha) test-a test-b test-c))
(define (test)
(display test-a) (newline)
(display test-b) (newline)
(display test-c) (newline))

;; gamma.scm
(module-name "com.example.Gamma")

I'll compile these into classes.

$ rm -rf classes/
$ mkdir classes
$ CLASSPATH='classes' kawa -d classes -C alpha.scm
$ CLASSPATH='classes' kawa -d classes --main -C beta.scm
$ CLASSPATH='classes' kawa -d classes --main -C gamma.scm

Now I try to run Gamma and Beta, getting different results:

$ java -cp lib/kawa-1.11.jar:classes 'com.example.Beta'
#<procedure test-a>
#<procedure alpha.scm:4>
$ java -cp lib/kawa-1.11.jar:classes 'com.example.Gamma'
#<procedure test-a>

Why are test-b and test-c bound to the values they have in Alpha only
when running Beta as the main class? How can I get the "right" bindings
when running Gamma as the main class? I must be missing something
obvious, but I can't figure it out. Thank you for any advice.

Quick answer: compile alpha.scm with --module-static-run or add (module-static 'init-run) to alpha.scm.


Consider that evaluating the body of alpha.scm means evaluating various expression
and performing various initializations/assignments. How should these effects be
performed? Obviously, they have to be in some compiler-generated method, but which
method, and when and how does this method get invoked? One issue is that if
we made --module-init-static run the default (i.e. bodies automatically evaluated
when the class is initialized) then you have no way of passing command-line arguments
- since the body would be evaluated before main starts.

This should possibly be a FAQ, but not sure how to phrase it FAQ-style.
	--Per Bothner

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