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RE: Problem with load when upgrading from 1.9.90 to 1.11


Somehow we still cannot get version 1.11 to work.

We build compile our scheme.scm with the following command in our Ant script:
    <java classname="kawa.repl" fork="yes" failonerror="yes">
      <arg value="-d"/>
      <arg value="${build.classes}/a/b"/>
      <arg value="-P"/>
      <arg value="dk.systematic."/>
      <arg value="-T"/>
      <arg value="scheme"/>
      <arg value="--module-static"/>
      <arg value="-C"/>
      <arg value="${src.main.scheme}/scheme.scm"/>
      <classpath refid="compile-classpath"/>

Kawa makes the scheme.class and it's inner classes in the right directory and we makes a jar-file with our application and the scheme class files.

When we call scm.eval("(load \"a.b.scheme\")") in our class which also resides in the jar-file, we gets the following Exception:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot load a.b.scheme (The system cannot find the file specified)
	at kawa.standard.load.apply2(
	at kawa.standard.load.apply1(
	at gnu.mapping.Procedure.apply(
	at gnu.mapping.Procedure.apply(
	at gnu.mapping.CallContext.runUntilDone(
	at gnu.expr.ModuleExp.evalModule2(
	at gnu.expr.ModuleExp.evalModule(
	at gnu.expr.Language.eval(
	at gnu.expr.Language.eval(
	at gnu.expr.Language.eval(
	at a.b.LoadImpl.loadScheme(

I've tried to decompile the generated Scheme.class file and it does not seem to have a package definition like package a.b;

Kind regards

Franck Krogh Mortensen

-----Original Message-----
From: Per Bothner [] 
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 5:48 PM
To: Franck Krogh Mortensen
Subject: Re: Problem with load when upgrading from 1.9.90 to 1.11

On 01/16/2012 12:59 AM, Franck Krogh Mortensen wrote:
> Hi,
> We are trying to upgrade Kawa from version 1.9.90 to the current 1.11.
> Our problem is that load does not seem to work properly when loading a pre-complied scheme class. It is working fine with version 1.9.90.
> The scenario:
> We use Kawa to compile a scm file, as we do not want to compile at the startup of our application. The class files are put in a jar file.
> When we start the application the following code is called:
>        Scheme.registerEnvironment();
>        Scheme scm = new Scheme();
>        scm.eval("(load \"scheme.class\")");

Instead of:
   (load "a/b/c.class")
   (load "a.b.c")
assuming the class is in the path of the context class loader path.
(Loading a class file *not* in the classpath never worked anyway ...)

Though it's not documented, instead  of eval+load you could consider doing kawa.Shell.runFileOrClass("a.b.c", false, 0)
or: kawa.Shell.runClass(clas, env)

> BTW: can the documentation for 1.9.90 be found somewhere?

If you have makeinfo installed, you can make it yourself:
   cd doc; make html
It won't be as pretty as the website, but it's the same basic content.

I am actively working on updating the documentation: as soon as I've documented new features, I'll make a preview available.
	--Per Bothner

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