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Idea for testing

After the RunTestScript patches the other day, the following occurred to me:
After I've written or modified some code, my first testing strategy is
typically to sit down and hit the code will all kinds of
input. I then use the result of these interactions as a start for
writing test cases. What if you had a program that watched the
terminal as you were typing. It would generate RunTestScript-esqe code
automatically for you. I'd like it to work along these lines

> (some expression)
; ouput1
> (testscript:log) ; the above assume wasn't horrid error output, and
                    ; instead expected behaviour I'd like to test in
		    ; the future, so log it.
> (some expression)
; horrid error output
> (some other expression) ; must explicity log the previous I/O if you
                          ; want to generate the test

Lots of details to be worked out, but what do think of it as a possibility?

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