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Re:Escaping of non-ASCII characters in XML


> Can you remind me where Kawa's internal HTTP server does the 
> string-escaping?
gnu/kawa/xml/ (it still call the same XMLPrinter)

> It might make sense, but I'm a little uncomfortable with the idea that
> toString output is different from printing to a file.  What you then 
> print out the toString return to an ASCII or Latin-1-only file or terminal?
Hmm... Your approach seems reasonable.

It just occured to me that to have a normal XML it's not neccessary to
change internals, since I can rewrite toString as a normal function:

(define (print-xml node ::gnu.kawa.xml.KNode)
  (letrec ((wr (gnu.mapping.CharArrayOutPort))
           (xp (gnu.xml.XMLPrinter wr)))
    (set! xp:escapeNonAscii #f)
    (gnu.xml.NodeTree:consume-next node:sequence node:ipos xp)
    (gnu.xml.XMLPrinter:close xp)
    (gnu.mapping.CharArrayOutPort:close wr)
    (gnu.mapping.CharArrayOutPort:to-string wr)))

So I guess I can have nice XML without any internal changes.

But the server encoding seems to be trickier, but I believe I can do with
wrapping my #<html> try in (unescaped-data ...).

Yours sincerely,
Dmitry Kushnariov

P.S. Speaking of Latin-1 terminals. (write "Ã") should ideally print
"\u00c6", not "?" it does now, since write strings are expected to
be read back...

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