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Re: Kawa with Android Studio and Gradle

On 07/12/2013 12:59 AM, Per Bothner wrote:
You may need to pass '-target 6' to the javac command-line.
Not sure the best way to do that, but perhaps you can experiment.
    JAVACFLAGS='-g -target 6' ./configure --with-android xxxx

I used JAVACFLAGS='-g -target 6 -source 6' and it works, despite generating this warning when compiling:

  warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction
           with -source 1.6

I guess a "real" fix would simply be to downgrade to java 6, even though that feels like going in the wrong direction.. ;-)

With this and your latest release r7525, the code now compiles and works fine! I will now experiment a bit more and see how I can do easy builds with the new gradle build system that comes with Android Studio. I'll report back when I have anything of value.


Marius K.

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