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Re: Compiling multidimensional arrays

On 09/12/2013 05:51 PM, Charles Turner wrote:
I've spent today trying to get multidimensional array
subscripting/generalised setting to work. It works from the REPL, but
not when compiling. That is, I've fixed the various ArrayGet/ArraySet
reflectors, ApplyToArgs, SetArray and various compilation helpers, but
I'm currently having fun trying to fix the code in CompileArrays.

Currently, CompileArrays only handles 1d arrays correctly. I want to
make it handle nd arrays. It seems fairly straightforward: just emit
N-1 aaload instructions, followed by the appropriate *aload
instruction to retrieve the value.

No, that does not work for true multi-dimensional arrays.

Emitting n-1 aaload instructins works for *nested* arrays - i.e.
an array each of whose elements is another array.  Java does not
have (and the JVM does not support) multi-dimensional arrays,
only nested arrays.

You can mostly simulate multi-dimensional arrays with nested
arrays, but you get into problems.  Consider matrixes: You can
have a 10*0 matrix as well as a 0*10 matrix - and they're different.
You can't represent this with nested arrays.  Even 1*10 column
matrix is painful, because you need 10 1-element arrays.

Also consider a 4*5 matrix.  This is implemented as a single
GeneralArray object, and a single 20-element Object[].
Using nested arrays each row is 5-element Object[], and there
are 4 rows, so there is a 4-element array, each of which is a
pointer to other array (i.e. another object). This extra indirection
does not exist if using GeneralArray.

Another bonus of using GeneralArray that various transpose-like
operations are cheap.

I'm still swimming around in
CodeAttr getting myself familiarised with the code generator, but I
noticed something very weird in CodeAttr#emitNewArray.

The branching order is an instanceof ObjectType test, and if that
fails, an instanceof ArrayType test. What? ArrayType is a subclass of
ObjectType! How can that branch be taken?

Indeed, that appears to be a bug.

Because of that, it seems
Kawa will never emit the multianewarray instruction even if it
correctly handled md arrays in the first place. In r1378, Per made the
following comment:

(emitNewArray):  Use anewarray even if element type is ArrayType.

I assume that's because md arrays don't work anyway, so it makes sense
to use the faster anewarray when creating arrays of one dimension, but
why keep the old instanceof ArrayType branch around and not even
comment why it's there? Am I missing something?

I'm going to take a crack at implementing my above scheme after some
rest. I'll special case the 1d array to use anewarray of course. I'm
also special casing 1d arrays in the reflectors and friends because I
measured a 10x time speedup as opposed to the way you get at arbitrary
arrays using java.lang.reflect.Array#get and a loop. Not sure if it's
worth special casing 2d arrays as well, how much do people use them? I
often find myself simulating them on a vector anyway :/

For people who do Fortran-like numerical calculations it might be
very worthwhile to optimize 2d arrays.  But it seems far from trivial,
and includes a bit of API design - for example an Array2 class.
I think unless you personally care about 2d arrays and their
performance (or your employer cares) I don't think it's high priority.
	--Per Bothner

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