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Re: kawa 2.2 last call

[Short version: I'm getting the same error as reported in other recent
messages.  I'm running on Debian Jessie/Stable 32-bit x86.]

I was able to get farther thanks to the ./ hint. (I had to
re-target the 'compile' symlink, though.)

I then encountered some errors related to makeinfo on kawa.texi.  I'll
put those in a separate message so as to not mix things up too much.  I
very inelegantly just overwrote the new kawa.texi temporarily with an
older one (from v. 2.1) so that I could get farther for the time being.

Now it seems like I am getting the same error that's been reported by a
couple of others (excerpt below).  I was going to attach config.log, but
just read your recent message and I suspect the problem may be close to
solved, so I'll skip that part unless you suggest otherwise.




mv tmp-list tmp-sources1.list
javac -d . -classpath ".:.:$CLASSPATH" -g @tmp-sources1.list
./gnu/expr/ error: cannot find symbol
        commandLineArguments = FVector.makeConstant(array);  // FIXME scsh has list
  symbol:   method makeConstant(Object[])
  location: class FVector
./gnu/kawa/reflect/ error: cannot find symbol
                return FVector.makeConstant((Object[]) arr);
  symbol:   method makeConstant(Object[])
  location: class FVector
./gnu/kawa/lispexpr/ error: cannot find symbol
         result.replaceAll(((LList) head.getCdr()).toArray());
  symbol:   method replaceAll(Object[])
  location: variable result of type FVector
./gnu/kawa/xml/ error: method writeTo in class ByteVector<E> cannot be applied to given types;
                  ((Blob) v).writeTo(outs);
  required: int,int,OutputStream
  found: OutputStream
  reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
  where E is a type-variable:
    E extends Object declared in class ByteVector
./kawa/lang/ error: cannot find symbol
                result = FVector.<Object>makeConstant(buffer);
  symbol:   method <Object>makeConstant(Object[])
  location: class FVector
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
5 errors


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