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FAQ entry for glibc 2.2

I'd like to write an entry for the FAQ as I've done for glibc 2.1 (see
FAQ 2.27) about changes relevant for users/system adminstrators when
upgrading.  For now I do see the following points which I'll plan to
rewrite to an FAQ entry.  Please comment and enhance these:

What has do be done when upgrading to glibc 2.2?

- The utmp daemon has been removed.
- Programs using IPv6 have to be recompiled due to incompatible
  changes in sockaddr_in6.
- The Berkeley db libraries have been removed.
  Related, the nss_db module is now in a separate package since it
  obviously requires a database library being available.
- The format for the locale files has changed, all locales should be
  regenerated with localedef.
- ldconfig is part of glibc 2.2

What else I'm missing?  Any programs or libraries that need

 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs

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