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Re: [PATCH] Interlingua locale (with Changelog)

[Alberto Mardegan]
> [en] Please add interlingua locale to glibc.
> [ia] Per favor adde le definition del localisation pro interlingua al
> glibc.
> Interlingua (vide es un lingua auxiliar
> international construite per un equipa de linguistas professional in le
> annos 1950.
>   Illo es basate super anglese, francese, italiano e espaniol/portugese
> (con alicun contributiones del germano e del russo) e es le
> registration del vocabulario del mundo occidental, con un simplice
> grammatica multo simile a illo del anglese.  Per su apprendimento,
> parlatores de linguas non neolatin pote acquirer le abilitate de
> communicar con plus que 400 milliones de personas (pensa al Sud America
> e al Europa meridional!) con un minime effortio.

You might have more success with your communication if you use English
on this list.  Or is the block of text following [ia] a translation of
the English text?  In this case, I guess the language used most be a
very verbose language.

What should the locale code for interlingua be?  The region part seem
to be unspecified.  I notice that the Esperanto locale in Debian glibc
uses eo_EO, but that region is not really a valid region.

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