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Re: alias symbol changes for gcc4

On Thu, Mar 17, 2005 at 12:55:26AM -0800, Roland McGrath wrote:
> This is reduced in the second part of the following example.  I really
> don't see what's different about that from the first case (foo).  In the
> case that generates the warning, the __typeof type seems to be the
> incomplete type const char[], not the complete type implicitly created by
> the initializer's size in the definition.  The "foo" example below shows
> that __typeof(foo) is the array type with size set by the initializer,
> as that's the size that bar and fred get. 

> It seems like a bug that
> __typeof (_libc_intl_domainname) should not be const char[5] and so
> __EI__libc_intl_domainname should have that same type.

Definitely a bug.  And curiously goes away if "const" is removed...


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