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[PATCH][BZ 4997] Fix erroneous corner cases in PowerPC lround implementations

Regarding Bugzilla 4997:

The following patch fixes erroneous corner cases in the PowerPC
implementations of lround and llround for generic PowerPC, POWER4,
POWER5 and PowerPC 970.

The POWER5+ and POWER6[x] architectures are not affected by the bug due
to their use of the newly available 'frin' instruction).

I added a few new test cases to and I've tested the patch
on POWER5, PowerPC 970, and POWER6 with success.

Ryan S. Arnold
IBM Linux Technology Center
Linux Toolchain Development
2007-11-29  Ryan S. Arnold  <>

	* sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/fpu/s_lround.S (__lround): Fixed erroneous
	result when x is +/-nextafter(+/-0.5,-/+1) i.e. all 1's in the
	* sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/power4/fpu/s_llround.S (__llround): Same
	as above and also accounts for when x is an odd number between 2^52
	and 2^53-1.
	* sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llround.S (__llround): Same as
	* sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llroundf.S (__llroundf): Same as
	* math/ (lround_test, llround_test): Added test cases to
	detect aforementioned erroneous conditions.

diff -uNr libc.orig/math/ libc/math/
--- libc.orig/math/	2007-10-27 18:14:25.000000000 -0700
+++ libc/math/	2007-11-29 09:21:48.000000000 -0800
@@ -4300,6 +4300,17 @@
 # endif
   TEST_f_l (lround, 2097152.5, 2097153);
   TEST_f_l (lround, -2097152.5, -2097153);
+  /* nextafter(0.5,-1)  */
+  TEST_f_l (lround, 0x1.fffffffffffffp-2, 0);
+  /* nextafter(-0.5,1)  */
+  TEST_f_l (lround, -0x1.fffffffffffffp-2, 0);
+  /* nextafter(0.5,-1)  */
+  TEST_f_l (lround, 0x1.fffffp-2, 0);
+  /* nextafter(-0.5,1)  */
+  TEST_f_l (lround, -0x1.fffffp-2, 0);
+  TEST_f_l (lround, 0x1.fffffep+23, 16777215);
+  TEST_f_l (lround, -0x1.fffffep+23, -16777215);
   END (lround);
@@ -4359,8 +4370,40 @@
   TEST_f_L (llround, 4294967295.5, 4294967296LL);
   /* 0x200000000 */
   TEST_f_L (llround, 8589934591.5, 8589934592LL);
+  /* nextafter(0.5,-1)  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.fffffffffffffp-2, 0);
+  /* nextafter(-0.5,1)  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.fffffffffffffp-2, 0);
+  /* On PowerPC an exponent of '52' is the largest incrementally
+   * representable sequence of whole-numbers in the 'double' range.  We test
+   * lround to make sure that a guard bit set during the lround operation
+   * hasn't forced an erroneous shift giving us an incorrect result.  The odd
+   * numbers between +-(2^52+1 and 2^53-1) are affected since they have the
+   * rightmost bit set.  */
+  /* +-(2^52+1)  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.0000000000001p+52,4503599627370497LL);
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.0000000000001p+52,-4503599627370497LL);
+  /* +-(2^53-1): Input is the last (positive and negative) incrementally
+   * representable whole-number in the 'double' range that might round
+   * erroneously.  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.fffffffffffffp+52, 9007199254740991LL);
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.fffffffffffffp+52, -9007199254740991LL);
+  /* nextafter(0.5,-1)  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.fffffep-2, 0);
+  /* nextafter(-0.5,1)  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.fffffep-2, 0);
+  /* As above, on PowerPC an exponent of '23' is the largest incrementally
+   * representable sequence of whole-numbers in the 'float' range.
+   * Likewise, numbers between +-(2^23+1 and 2^24-1) are affected.  */
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.000002p+23,8388609);
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.000002p+23,-8388609);
+  TEST_f_L (llround, 0x1.fffffep+23, 16777215);
+  TEST_f_L (llround, -0x1.fffffep+23, -16777215);
   /* The input can only be represented in long double.  */
   TEST_f_L (llround, 4503599627370495.5L, 4503599627370496LL);
diff -uNr libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/fpu/s_lround.S libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/fpu/s_lround.S
--- libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/fpu/s_lround.S	2006-01-27 16:07:39.000000000 -0800
+++ libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/fpu/s_lround.S	2007-11-29 09:21:48.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* lround function.  PowerPC32 version.
-   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -20,13 +20,10 @@
 #include <sysdep.h>
 #include <math_ldbl_opt.h>
-	.section	.rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
+	.section	.rodata.cst4,"aM",@progbits,4
 	.align	2
-.LC0:	/* 0.0 */
-	.long 0x00000000
-.LC1:	/* 0.5 */
+.LC0:	/* 0.5 */
 	.long 0x3f000000
 	.section	".text"
 /* long [r3] lround (float x [fp1])
@@ -37,7 +34,10 @@
    tie, choose the one that is even (least significant bit o).". 
    So we can't use the PowerPC "round to Nearest" mode. Instead we set
    "round toward Zero" mode and round by adding +-0.5 before rounding
-   to the integer value.  */
+   to the integer value.  It is necessary to detect when x is
+   (+-)0x1.fffffffffffffp-2 because adding +-0.5 in this case will
+   cause an erroneous shift, carry and round.  We simply return 0 if
+   0.5 > x > -0.5.  */
 ENTRY (__lround)
 	stwu    r1,-16(r1)
@@ -49,40 +49,40 @@
 	bcl	20,31,1f
 1:	mflr	r9
 	addis	r9,r9,.LC0-1b@ha
-	addi	r9,r9,.LC0-1b@l
+	lfs	fp10,.LC0-1b@l(r9)
 # else
 	bl	_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@local-4
 	mflr	r10
 	lwz	r9,.LC0@got(10)
+	lfs	fp10,0(r9)
 # endif
 	mtlr	r11
 	cfi_same_value (lr)
-	lfs	fp12,0(r9)
 	lis	r9,.LC0@ha
-	lfs	fp12,.LC0@l(r9)
-#ifdef SHARED
-	lfs	fp10,.LC1-.LC0(r9)
-	lis	r9,.LC1@ha
-	lfs	fp10,.LC1@l(r9)
+	lfs	fp10,.LC0@l(r9)
-	fcmpu	cr6,fp1,fp12	/* if (x > 0.0)  */
-	ble-	cr6,.L4
-	fadd	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x+= 0.5;  */
-	fctiwz	fp2,fp1		/* Convert To Integer DW lround toward 0.  */
-	stfd	fp2,8(r1)
+	fabs	fp2, fp1	/* Get the absolute value of x.  */
+	fsub	fp12,fp10,fp10	/* Compute 0.0.  */
+	fcmpu	cr6, fp2, fp10	/* if |x| < 0.5  */
+	fcmpu	cr3, fp1, fp12	/* x is negative? x < 0.0  */
+	blt-	cr6,.Lretzero
+	fadd	fp3,fp2,fp10	/* |x|+=0.5 bias to prepare to round.  */
+	bge	cr3,.Lconvert	/* x is positive so don't negate x.  */
+	fnabs	fp3,fp3		/* -(|x|+=0.5)  */ 
+	fctiwz	fp4,fp3		/* Convert to Integer word lround toward 0.  */
+	stfd	fp4,8(r1)
 	nop	/* Ensure the following load is in a different dispatch  */
 	nop	/* group to avoid pipe stall on POWER4&5.  */
-	lwz	r3,12(r1)
+	lwz	r3,12(r1)	/* Load return as integer.  */
 	addi	r1,r1,16
-	fsub	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x-= 0.5;  */
-	b	.L9
+.Lretzero:			/* when 0.5 > x > -0.5  */
+	li	r3,0		/* return 0.  */
+	b	.Lout
 	END (__lround)
 weak_alias (__lround, lround)
diff -uNr libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/power4/fpu/s_llround.S libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/power4/fpu/s_llround.S
--- libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/power4/fpu/s_llround.S	2007-06-03 13:50:48.000000000 -0700
+++ libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc32/power4/fpu/s_llround.S	2007-11-29 09:21:48.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* llround function.  PowerPC32 on PowerPC64 version.
-   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
 #include <sysdep.h>
 #include <math_ldbl_opt.h>
-	.section	.rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
-	.align	2
-.LC0:	/* 0.0 */
+ .section .rodata.cst12,"aM",@progbits,12
+ .align 3
+ .LC0:   /* 0x1.0000000000000p+52 == 2^52 */
+	.long 0x43300000
 	.long 0x00000000
-.LC1:	/* 0.5 */
-	.long 0x3f000000
+	.long 0x3f000000 /* Use this for 0.5  */
 	.section	".text"
 /* long [r3] lround (float x [fp1])
    IEEE 1003.1 lround function.  IEEE specifies "round to the nearest 
    integer value, rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of
@@ -37,7 +37,15 @@
    tie, choose the one that is even (least significant bit o).". 
    So we can't use the PowerPC "round to Nearest" mode. Instead we set
    "round toward Zero" mode and round by adding +-0.5 before rounding
-   to the integer value.  */
+   to the integer value.
+   It is necessary to detect when x is (+-)0x1.fffffffffffffp-2
+   because adding +-0.5 in this case will cause an erroneous shift,
+   carry and round.  We simply return 0 if 0.5 > x > -0.5.  Likewise
+   if x is and odd number between +-(2^52 and 2^53-1) a shift and
+   carry will erroneously round if biased with +-0.5.  Therefore if x
+   is greater/less than +-2^52 we don't need to bias the number with
+   +-0.5.  */
 ENTRY (__llround)
 	stwu    r1,-16(r1)
@@ -57,30 +65,41 @@
 # endif
 	mtlr	r11
 	cfi_same_value (lr)
-	lfs	fp12,0(r9)
-	lfs	fp10,.LC1-.LC0(r9)
+	lfd	fp9,0(r9)
+	lfs	fp10,8(r9)
-	lis	r9,.LC0@ha
-	lis	r10,.LC1@ha
-	lfs	fp12,.LC0@l(r9)
-	lfs	fp10,.LC1@l(r10)
+	lis r9,.LC0@ha
+	lfd fp9,.LC0@l(r9)	/* Load 2^52 into fpr9.  */
+	lfs fp10,.LC0@l+8(r9)	/* Load 0.5 into fpr10.  */
-	fcmpu	cr6,fp1,fp12	/* if (x > 0.0)  */
-	ble-	cr6,.L4
-	fadd	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x+= 0.5;  */
-	fctidz	fp2,fp1		/* Convert To Integer DW round toward 0.  */
-	stfd	fp2,8(r1)
-	nop	/* Ensure the following load is in a different dispatch  */
-	nop	/* group to avoid pipe stall on POWER4&5.  */
+	fabs	fp2,fp1		/* Get the absolute value of x.  */
+	fsub	fp12,fp10,fp10	/* Compute 0.0 into fpr12.  */
+	fcmpu	cr6,fp2,fp10	/* if |x| < 0.5  */
+	fcmpu	cr4,fp2,fp9	/* if |x| >= 2^52  */
+	fcmpu	cr3,fp1,fp12	/* x is negative? x < 0.0  */
+	blt-	cr6,.Lretzero	/* 0.5 > x < -0.5 so just return 0.  */
+	bge-	cr4,.Lnobias	/* 2^52 > x < -2^52 just convert with no bias.  */
+	fadd	fp3,fp2,fp10	/* |x|+=0.5 bias to prepare to round.  */
+	bge	cr3,.Lconvert	/* x is positive so don't negate x.  */
+	fnabs	fp3,fp3		/* -(|x|+=0.5)  */
+	fctidz	fp4,fp3		/* Convert to Integer double word round toward 0.  */
+	stfd	fp4,8(r1)
+	nop
+	nop
-	lwz	r4,12(r1)
+	lwz	r4,12(r1)	/* Load return as integer.  */
 	lwz	r3,8(r1)
 	addi	r1,r1,16
-	fsub	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x-= 0.5;  */
-	b	.L9
+.Lretzero:			/* 0.5 > x > -0.5  */
+	li	r3,0		/* return 0.  */
+	li	r4,0
+	b	.Lout
+	fmr	fp3,fp1
+	b	.Lconvert
 	END (__llround)
 weak_alias (__llround, llround)
diff -uNr libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llround.S libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llround.S
--- libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llround.S	2006-01-27 16:07:40.000000000 -0800
+++ libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llround.S	2007-11-29 09:21:48.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* llround function.  PowerPC64 version.
-   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 #include <math_ldbl_opt.h>
 	.section	".toc","aw"
-.LC0:	/* -0.0 */
-	.tc FD_00000000_0[TC],0x0000000000000000
+.LC0:	/* 2^52 */
+	.tc FD_43300000_0[TC],0x4330000000000000
 .LC1:	/* 0.5 */
 	.tc FD_3fe00000_0[TC],0x3fe0000000000000
 	.section	".text"
-/* long long [r3] llround (float x [fp1])
+/* long long [r3] llround (double x [fp1])
    IEEE 1003.1 llround function.  IEEE specifies "round to the nearest 
    integer value, rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of
    the current rounding mode."  However PowerPC Architecture defines
@@ -35,26 +35,45 @@
    tie, choose the one that is even (least significant bit o).". 
    So we can't use the PowerPC "round to Nearest" mode. Instead we set
    "round toward Zero" mode and round by adding +-0.5 before rounding
-   to the integer value.  */
+   to the integer value.
+   It is necessary to detect when x is (+-)0x1.fffffffffffffp-2
+   because adding +-0.5 in this case will cause an erroneous shift,
+   carry and round.  We simply return 0 if 0.5 > x > -0.5.  Likewise
+   if x is and odd number between +-(2^52 and 2^53-1) a shift and
+   carry will erroneously round if biased with +-0.5.  Therefore if x
+   is greater/less than +-2^52 we don't need to bias the number with
+   +-0.5.  */
 ENTRY (__llround)
-	lfd	fp12,.LC0@toc(2)
-	lfd	fp10,.LC1@toc(2)
-	fcmpu	cr6,fp1,fp12	/* if (x > 0.0)  */
-	ble-	cr6,.L4
-	fadd	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x+= 0.5;  */
-	fctidz	fp2,fp1		/* Convert To Integer DW llround toward 0.  */
-	stfd	fp2,-16(r1)
-	nop	/* Insure the following load is in a different dispatch group */
-	nop	/* to avoid pipe stall on POWER4&5.  */
+	lfd	fp9,.LC0@toc(2)	/* Load 2^52 into fpr9.  */
+	lfd	fp10,.LC1@toc(2)/* Load 0.5 into fpr10.  */
+	fabs	fp2,fp1		/* Get the absolute value of x.  */
+	fsub	fp12,fp10,fp10	/* Compute 0.0 into fp12.  */
+	fcmpu	cr6,fp2,fp10	/* if |x| < 0.5  */
+	fcmpu	cr4,fp2,fp9	/* if |x| >= 2^52  */
+	fcmpu	cr3,fp1,fp12	/* x is negative? x < 0.0  */
+	blt-	cr6,.Lretzero	/* 0.5 > x < -0.5 so just return 0.  */
+	bge-	cr4,.Lnobias	/* 2^52 > x < -2^52 just convert with no bias.  */
+	fadd	fp3,fp2,fp10	/* |x|+=0.5 bias to prepare to round.  */
+	bge	cr3,.Lconvert	/* x is positive so don't negate x.  */
+	fnabs	fp3,fp3		/* -(|x|+=0.5)  */
+	fctidz	fp4,fp3		/* Convert to Integer double word round toward 0.  */
+	stfd	fp4,-16(r1)
+	nop
+	nop
-	ld	r3,-16(r1)
+	ld	r3,-16(r1)	/* Load return as integer.  */
-	fsub	fp1,fp1,fp10	/* x-= 0.5;  */
-	b	.L9
+.Lretzero:			/* 0.5 > x > -0.5  */
+	li	r3,0		/* return 0.  */
+	b	.Lout
+	fmr	fp3,fp1
+	b	.Lconvert
 	END (__llround)
 strong_alias (__llround, __lround)
diff -uNr libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llroundf.S libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llroundf.S
--- libc.orig/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llroundf.S	2006-01-27 16:14:39.000000000 -0800
+++ libc/sysdeps/powerpc/powerpc64/fpu/s_llroundf.S	2007-11-29 09:21:48.000000000 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* llroundf function.  PowerPC64 version.
-   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 #include <sysdep.h>
 	.section	".toc","aw"
-.LC0:	/* -0.0 */
-	.tc FD_00000000_0[TC],0x0000000000000000
+.LC0:	/* 2^23 */
+	.tc FD_41600000_0[TC],0x4160000000000000
 .LC1:	/* 0.5 */
 	.tc FD_3fe00000_0[TC],0x3fe0000000000000
 	.section	".text"
@@ -34,24 +34,45 @@
    tie, choose the one that is even (least significant bit o).". 
    So we can't use the PowerPC "round to Nearest" mode. Instead we set
    "round toward Zero" mode and round by adding +-0.5 before rounding
-   to the integer value.  */
+   to the integer value.
+   It is necessary to detect when x is (+-)0x1.fffffffffffffp-2
+   because adding +-0.5 in this case will cause an erroneous shift,
+   carry and round.  We simply return 0 if 0.5 > x > -0.5.  Likewise
+   if x is and odd number between +-(2^23 and 2^24-1) a shift and
+   carry will erroneously round if biased with +-0.5.  Therefore if x
+   is greater/less than +-2^23 we don't need to bias the number with
+   +-0.5.  */
 ENTRY (__llroundf)
-	lfd	fp12,.LC0@toc(2)
-	lfd	fp10,.LC1@toc(2)
-	fcmpu	cr6,fp1,fp12	/* if (x < 0.0)  */
-	fsubs	fp3,fp1,fp10	/* x-= 0.5;  */
-	ble-	cr6,.L9
-	fadds	fp3,fp1,fp10	/* x+= 0.5;  */
-	fctidz	fp2,fp3		/* Convert To Integer DW round toward 0.  */
-	stfd	fp2,-16(r1)
-	nop	/* Insure the following load is in a different dispatch group */
-	nop	/* to avoid pipe stall on POWER4&5.  */
+	lfd	fp9,.LC0@toc(2)	/* Load 2^23 into fpr9.  */
+	lfd	fp10,.LC1@toc(2)/* Load 0.5 into fpr10.  */
+	fabs	fp2,fp1		/* Get the absolute value of x.  */
+	fsub	fp12,fp10,fp10	/* Compute 0.0 into fp12.  */
+	fcmpu	cr6,fp2,fp10	/* if |x| < 0.5  */
+	fcmpu	cr4,fp2,fp9	/* if |x| >= 2^23  */
+	fcmpu	cr3,fp1,fp12	/* x is negative? x < 0.0  */
+	blt-	cr6,.Lretzero	/* 0.5 > x < -0.5 so just return 0.  */
+	bge-	cr4,.Lnobias	/* 2^23 > x < -2^23 just convert with no bias.  */
+	fadd	fp3,fp2,fp10	/* |x|+=0.5 bias to prepare to round.  */
+	bge	cr3,.Lconvert	/* x is positive so don't negate x.  */
+	fnabs	fp3,fp3		/* -(|x|+=0.5)  */
+	fctidz	fp4,fp3		/* Convert to Integer double word round toward 0.  */
+	stfd	fp4,-16(r1)
+	nop
+	nop
-	ld	r3,-16(r1)
+	ld	r3,-16(r1)	/* Load return as integer.  */
+.Lretzero:			/* 0.5 > x > -0.5  */
+	li	r3,0		/* return 0.  */
+	b	.Lout
+	fmr	fp3,fp1
+	b	.Lconvert
 	END (__llroundf)
 strong_alias (__llroundf, __lroundf)

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