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Re: [PATCH] Add --foreground option for nscd

> +enum
> +{
> +  /* Running in foreground but otherwise behave like a daemon,
> +     i.e., detach from terminal and use syslog.  */
> +  /* Running in background as daemon.  */
> +  /* Run in foreground in debug mode.  */
> +};
> +static int run_mode = RUN_DAEMONIZE;

Make it a named typed and make the variable be of that type.
A bit in the vein of microoptimization, but also what seems
to me normal style for an enum, make the default value be the
first (0) one.

I recall reviewing this when Alex posted it originally but I don't
recall the details.  Please check the archives and make sure that
all the review responses from then are addressed in the current
version of the patch.


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