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Re: __builtin_* expansion to outcalls vs name space issues

> On Tue, 5 Feb 2013, Roland McGrath wrote:
> > What should be the expectation of responsibility here?  On the one hand,
> > it seems vaguely reasonable that __builtin_foobar degenerates to calling
> > foobar.
> Yes, that's expected.  (There is however a known GCC bug where calls may 
> be generated to functions that aren't reserved and without a corresponding 
> __builtin_* call: <>.  
> But it's always expected that not all __builtin_* calls are expanded 
> inline.)

Certainly it's expected that not all __builtin_* calls are expanded to
instructions not involving a call.  That's a separate issue from whether
any calls the compiler generates implicitly in any fashion ought to be
using symbols outside the most constrained name space.

If any call to __builtin_foobar can be expected sometimes to generate a
call to foobar, then what's the point of having the __builtin_foobar names
in the first place?

> > So, are we wrong for using __builtin_mempcpy in a place where a call to
> > mempcpy is not kosher?
> Yes.  Declaring mempcpy with __asm__ ("__mempcpy") should cause 
> __builtin_mempcpy to generate a call to __mempcpy.

I cannot figure out how to make that happen.  Can you post a patch that
accomplishes this?


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