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Re: #714219 - libc6: crypt(3) returns NULLâ told you so

On Thu, 18 Jul 2013, Carlos O'Donell wrote:

> >   * CVE-2013-4122: Handle NULL returns from glibc 2.17+ crypt()
> >     (Closes: #716835)

> I'm happy to see applications being fixed to follow the 
> documented standard.

Which is a violation of historic practice and âcommon lawâ.

Iâd be as happy to see the documented standard fixed.

Oh well. I uploaded a new cvs package to Debian sid
yesterday that handles NULL returns as well (review
of that diff is welcome, ofc), but IMHO the greater
issue remains.

ÂMyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life. Â
âmysql is about as much database as ms accessâ â âMSSQL at least descends
from a databaseâ âit's a rebranded SyBaseâ âMySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from thereâ â âat least jetDB doesnât claim to
be a databaseâ	(#nosec)    âââ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!

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