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Re: <signal.h> broken with _POSIX_SOURCE=1 defined

>net/if_packet.h includes linux/if_packet.h which defines those
>structures.  I don't know why the compiler didn't say where the
>previous definition was.

Thinking about this one again, I've now remembered some of the history.  In
fact what we should probably do is make <net/if_packet.h> just define:

struct sockaddr_pkt
    unsigned short spkt_family;
    unsigned char spkt_device[14];
    unsigned short spkt_protocol;

and not include anything else.  That way programs that were written for the 
Linux 2.0 interface and do socket(AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, 0) can continue to use 
it and work, and new software can use the AF_PACKET interface in <netpacket/
packet.h> instead.


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