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Debugging memory leaks using mtrace()


I'm trying to debug a memory leak problem. I'm using mtrace() to get a
malloc/free/realloc trace. I've ran my prog and have now a huge log
file. So far so good. But I have problems interpreting the file. Look at
these lines:

@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x1502570 0x68
@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x1502620 0x30
@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x2aaab43a1700 0xa80
@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x1501460 0xa64

The strange about this is that one call (same return address) is
responsible for 4 allocations.

Even stranger:
@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x2aaab43a1700 0xa2c
@ /usr/java/ibm-java2-x86_64-50/jre/bin/[0x2b270a384a34] +
0x2aaab43a1700 0xa80

Between those two lines the block 0x2aaab43a1700 is never being freed.

Does anyone have an explanation for this? How could one call result in 4
allocations. And how could malloc return an address which was already
allocated previously?


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