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Re: timer_create Problem

On 5 Dec 2008, pavan savoy uttered the following:

> I am unable to understand, what support is where.
> I.e I am having problem building a application which has the system
> call timer_create, with sigev_notify as SIGEV_THREAD.
> Since this is a system call, basically the kernel should provide
> support for that kind of notification,
> However what I know is SIGEV_THREAD is not supported in the libC
> version I am using [its not even a glibC].
> So, when someone says there is no support for SIGEV_THREAD ? Is it not
> there in kernel ? Or not there in glibC ?

Applications almost never make system calls directly: they call wrappers
in the C library that make the call. So, yes, you need C library
support, and that's what the application is looking for.

> If there is support, in which file should I find that ? because its
> just system call, no wrappers around it or anything ? Isnt it ?

Even things with no libc frontend like vm86() have a trivial wrapper.
This issues a syscall using the vsyscall if available, or the
appropriate system-specific mechanism (e.g. int80) otherwise. This is
one of many reasons why new syscalls are somewhat discouraged: nobody
can use them (practically) until a new glibc is released that wraps

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