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Re: can I use chroot() multiple times in one program

Wu Zhou wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a question about the usage of chroot(). Could I do something like this:
>   chroot("/chroot");
>   do_something();
>   chroot("/"); // want the root directory back to "/"
>   do_something();
Now your chroot is the old /chroot. Thus you are chrooting to where you
You may be able to escape the chroot by keeping a file descriptor to the
original chroot

Note that you are not guaranteed to be able to escape a chroot()

>   chroot("/chroot");
>   do_something();
> I had a try, after the second chroot("/"), I use system() to call a
> python script in the original root directoy, it reports that
> sh: /tmp/python-script: not found
Instead of trying to break the chroot, you should move the python script
into the chroot (you'll
need to also move the interpreter and its libs).

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