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Re: can I use chroot() multiple times in one program

2010/1/12 Ãngel GonzÃlez <>:

> Now your chroot is the old /chroot. Thus you are chrooting to where you
> were.
> You may be able to escape the chroot by keeping a file descriptor to the
> original chroot
> See
> Note that you are not guaranteed to be able to escape a chroot()

Ah, this mechanism can escape chroot by keeping the old file
descriptor. But it seems not proper for my situation. Thanks any way.
Good to know this.

> Instead of trying to break the chroot, you should move the python script
> into the chroot (you'll
> need to also move the interpreter and its libs).
Yes. I can do that in general. Just that this python script has to
look at this chrooted environment back at the original root directory.

Wu Zhou

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