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Re: malloc/free and priority inheritance?

On 03.04.2013 01:06, Stanislav Meduna wrote:

> I am hunting a possible priority inversion case and I would like
> to ask whether the malloc/free from glibc (particularly 2.11.3
> used in Debian 6 or newer) uses priority inheritance mutexes
> when doing the necessary locking.

OK, after code-review it looks that it does not and neither
do the condition variables and semaphores. This is bad...

I think I can work around the malloc/free with some linker magic
and wrapper functions (we don't allocate much so the performance
hit is tolerable), but anyone here has a pointer to priority
inheritance aware condition variables implemented using futexes
outside of glibc?

I'd like to avoid patching glibc, as this is always a quite risky
challenge and we already have production code. On the other hand
I only need to support RT-Linux on x86 and ARM and I don't need
the assembly-optimized versions.


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