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dynamic library issue


I have a problem with the new arm tool chain (gcc-4.1.1, glibc-2.5).
The old tool chain (gcc-3.4.3, glibc-2.3.2) does not have the problem.

The problem is if I use the tool chain to build a shared library, our
application will get wrong result. If the library is built statically,
the application runs well.

The application and library is rather complicated. I'd like not post
them here. I just wish to know if anybody happen to encounter similar
problem and have some experience to share.

I investigated the issue from several aspects.
1. parameter passing wrongly
2. 64-bit data type not aligned well
3. out of boundary
4. r12 not reserved in far calling in assembler code

I'm trying to separate the big library into small ones to narrow down
the issue. Simultaneously, does anybody have any hints or comments?

best regards,

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