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backtrcae on mips

Hi All,

The Backtracing facilities API like ? gcc ?__builtin_return_address(),
?backtrace(), ?backtrace_symbols() are not available on MIPS because
there is not frame pointer ,

Please correct me if i am wrong.

?There is no easy way to get the address of the caller stack frame.

Using Binary code scanning, Algo ?i want to print?symbols?and address
. which is based on prologue and epilogue, using this method i am
scanning?the prologue of the function.

with ‘addiu’ instruction (0x27bd) i can get stack size. with ra
instruction we can get ra offset.

using this method we can unwind the?complete?stack.

i think the above logic will not work for all kind of application

one more this is there any other method to unwind the?complete?stack .



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