Port of libffi on PowerPC/NetBSD

Eric Green egreen@allegronetworks.com
Wed May 16 16:34:00 GMT 2001

Title: Port of libffi on PowerPC/NetBSD

I was able to port libffi to run on NetBSD on the PowerPC.

I had to make a couple of one line changes to configure and confg.sub to recognize the target platform.

Also, I need to modify ffi.c in src/powerpc to properly handle doubles and floats.

I got ffitest to pass all tests except the structure test 3 and structure test 5.  If I modified ffi.h to and changed FFI_DEFAULT_ABI = FFI_SYSV

instead of FFI_DEFAULT_ABI = FFI_GCC_SYSV, then I got structure test 3 to pass, however structure test 5 still fails.  What is the implication of

making this change?  

The purpose for me taking up this porting effort was to get Kaffe 1.0.6 to run on this platform combination.  I have been successfully running Kaffe on 

NetBSD on the PowerPC since August of last year.  (Apparently the structure test 5 failure does not have an impact on what Kaffe needs from libffi)

I would like to turn in these changes so that others can use them, and I would like to know how to do this.

The source that I made my changes to was the 1.20 release version, and not from CVS.


Eric Green

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