Implementing normal algorithms using predicate versions

Matt Austern
Mon Nov 29 18:01:00 GMT 2004

On Nov 28, 2004, at 7:00 AM, caj wrote:

> Hi!
> I apologise, as I'm sure this question has a simple answer, but I 
> can't find it...
> Many algorithms have a predicated version, and a version which simply 
> uses operator<. Why not implement the operator< versions using the 
> predicated versions? This would seem to half the size of the algorithm 
> heaader, remove lots of redundant code, and on -O2 seems to produce 
> identical code...

It's a good idea, but we can't quite plug std::less into the predicate 
version of the algorithms.  There are a few corner cases where that 
would do something different in a way the user could detect.  I think 
what we could and should do is write our own predicates that are 
guaranteed to behave the same way as the version using bare operator<.


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