[v3] Remove noexcept mistakenly added to the unordered_* move cons

Paolo Carlini paolo.carlini@oracle.com
Thu Sep 1 15:51:00 GMT 2011


while working on libstdc++/50257 I noticed this recent mistake of mine: 
given our current impl of the unordered containers, the move constructor 
allocates memory, thus can certainly throw, similarly to deque, for 
example. Also, I reordered the operations in the body of the move 
constructor, because we weren't updating __ht._M_rehash_policy before 
using _M_next_bkt on it.

Tested x86_64-linux, committed to mainline (the issue with the body of 
the move cons exists also in 4.6.x, should be fixed there too, probably)


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