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Re: New files checked in.

> Date: Sun, 14 Mar 1999 09:05:45 -0800
> From: Anthony Green <>
> I've checked in a few of the new tests from HP. Andrew Haley did the
> initial conversion to make them work in our framework.
> If you run them, you'll see that the test count isn't significantly
> higher than before.  It has to do with how the tests are counted.
> Their code tries all kinds of things and only register failures when
> they happen, whereas we like to keep track of `passes' as well.  My
> hope is that that these files will slowly migrate over to using the
> harness.check methods rather than just  If anyone feels
> inspired, that would be very helpful.

I've converted every instance of

	if (testcase)

        harness.check (!(testcase),

I did this automatically and have not attempted to rationalize any of
the tests.  This means that you'll see a lot of things like

	harness.check(!( !nan.isNaN())

but at least you'll now get a more accurate count of test passes.
This doesn't work in every case, because there are many instances of
things like

		try {
		catch ( Exception e )

                if (testcase)
			System.out.print (diagnostic);"Error");	

which do not easily fit into the harness.check() way of doing things.


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