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Re: _REENT->_errno v. extern int errno

Shaun Jackman wrote:
There's something funny going on with errno. The libgloss ARM
implementation includes <errno.h>, and so stores its errno result
direclty in _REENT->_errno. REENTRANT_SYSCALLS_PROVIDED is not
defined, so write, for example, calls _write in libgloss, and not
_write_r. All is good. However, a function such as __swrite calls
_write_r instead of _write. _write_r does a funny little fix up where
it assumes the OS layer (libgloss) stores the errno result in extern
int errno, and not in _REENT->_errno.

syscalls/syswrite.c assumes the OS layer stores errno in _REENT->_errno.
reent/writer.c assumes the OS layer stores errno in extern int errno.

It seems to me reent/writer.c is broken, or at least should be told
through a define that the errno result is already in _REENT->_errno.

Actually, arm's libgloss is not following the prescribed reentrancy scheme. The writer.c routine is doing what is meant to do. What you must remember is that errno needs to be set manually for the reentrancy struct argument when being set in a newlib _r suffixed routine. The reentrancy struct may represent a virtual thread, for example. Using errno from errno.h sets the default reentrancy struct errno which is incorrect unless the _DYNAMIC_REENT_ flag is set "and" a __getreent() function is provided "or" the system guarantees only to ever use one reentrancy structure (__SINGLE_THREAD__).

Possible alternatives are:

- Switch over to use MISSING_SYSCALL_NAMES or
  REENTRANT_SYSCALLS_PROVIDED (_r routine additions needed with this
- Modify the reent functions to add a new scenario (__SINGLE_THREAD__
  and __SYSCALLS_USE_ERRNO_H__).  You would have to set these flags
  for arm and the new scenario would have to be documented in
  libc/include/reent.h.  (In the case of __DYNAMIC_REENT__
  described earlier, one would go with MISSING_SYSCALL_NAMES
  since the _r routines aren't needed).
- Use the external errno and add _r versions of the syscall functions
  not found in libc/reent

-- Jeff J.


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