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Re: syscalls, libgloss, errno

Vincent Rivière wrote:
Happy New Year 2008 !

I have spent some time studying the Newlib sources, especially the way how reentrant syscalls are implemented.

I still can't understand some things.

From a user program linked against newlib and libgloss, is it possible to call the syscalls (open, close, etc.) and to get the errors in the standard way, by including <errno.h> and using errno ?

Yes, as long as the libgloss implementation is set up correctly. The first thing to note is
whether you want to support multiple threads or not for your platform. If the answer is
single-threaded only, then your libgloss implementation simply includes errno.h and
sets errno directly, if needed.

If you want to support multiple threads, then you must set errno per thread. That is where
the reentrant structure comes in and the _r suffixed routines. At this point, you have a
few choices.

1) Implement the __getreent() routine and set the __DYNAMIC_REENT__ flag in
libc/sys/config.h for your platform. The __getreent() routine returns the reentrancy
structure for the current thread. You can implement it however you like. With this,
the libgloss implementation simply includes errno.h and sets errno directly. This
will end up calling __getreent() and setting errno for that reentrancy structure. If
you want to start out single-threaded and later move to multiple threads, you can
just set the flag. There is a default __getreent implementation which returns the
main thread reentrancy structure.

2) Implement _r versions of the syscalls in libgloss. You can then set errno via
__errno_r(ptr) = x; where ptr is the passed in reentrancy structure. You need
to include errno.h which brings in sys/errno.h As you noted, you must set
REENTRANT_SYSCALLS_PROVIDED As well, the user code that will
be called within a thread must use the _r versions of all routines and pass in the
current reentrancy structure.

Is it possible with the current implementation of libnosys ?

Libnosys is not thread reentrant. You would have to reimplement the stubs.
I imagine that it would be possible to define REENTRANT_SYSCALLS_PROVIDED, implement the _syscalls_r in libgloss, implement the _syscalls too (by calling the _r versions). Then the syscalls (without _) will be automatically implemented by libc/syscalls/*
Thus the global variable errno will never be used, and everything will be OK.

In other words: is there a simple way to implement the syscalls (in whatever form) in order to be able to call open() and fopen() and to get the error values from errno, by simply including <errno.h> ?

Option 1 above.
And another question: when porting Newlib to a new target (in 2008 !), is it best to put everything (syscalls needed by Newlib, and all the others) into libgloss, or in libc/sys ?

For a platform, they go in libgloss.

-- Jeff J.

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