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Texinfo 5 fix (partial)


I attach a fix for building newlib docs with texinfo 5.

First fix (@ -> @@) is based on fix from binutils, as they have almost exactly the same fragment in their docs. Here's the link to binutils' patch

Without the attached patch I get sth like "unknown commands - colophon and cygnus" (don't have the exact wording now, sorry).

The other change (ifinfo -> ifnottex) is based on suggestion from error message.

The first fix allows me to build pdf correctly, but HTML generation fails with:

rm -rf libm.htp
if makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --split-size=5000000  --html   -I /home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libm \
 -o libm.htp /home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo; \
then \
  rm -rf libm.html; \
  if test ! -d libm.htp && test -d libm; then \
    mv libm libm.html; else mv libm.htp libm.html; fi; \
else \
  if test ! -d libm.htp && test -d libm; then \
    rm -rf libm; else rm -Rf libm.htp libm.html; fi; \
  exit 1; \
./targetdep.tex:41: @menu reference to nonexistent node `acos'
./targetdep.tex:42: @menu reference to nonexistent node `acosh'
./targetdep.tex:43: @menu reference to nonexistent node `asin'
./targetdep.tex:44: @menu reference to nonexistent node `asinh'
./targetdep.tex:45: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atan'
./targetdep.tex:46: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atan2'
./targetdep.tex:47: @menu reference to nonexistent node `atanh'
./targetdep.tex:48: @menu reference to nonexistent node `jN'
./targetdep.tex:49: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cbrt'
./targetdep.tex:50: @menu reference to nonexistent node `copysign'
./targetdep.tex:51: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cosh'
./targetdep.tex:52: @menu reference to nonexistent node `erf'
./targetdep.tex:53: @menu reference to nonexistent node `exp'
./targetdep.tex:54: @menu reference to nonexistent node `exp2'
./targetdep.tex:55: @menu reference to nonexistent node `expm1'
./targetdep.tex:56: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fabs'
./targetdep.tex:57: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fdim'
./targetdep.tex:58: @menu reference to nonexistent node `floor'
./targetdep.tex:59: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fma'
./targetdep.tex:60: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmax'
./targetdep.tex:61: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmin'
./targetdep.tex:62: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fmod'
./targetdep.tex:63: @menu reference to nonexistent node `fpclassify'
./targetdep.tex:64: @menu reference to nonexistent node `frexp'
./targetdep.tex:65: @menu reference to nonexistent node `gamma'
./targetdep.tex:66: @menu reference to nonexistent node `hypot'
./targetdep.tex:67: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ilogb'
./targetdep.tex:68: @menu reference to nonexistent node `infinity'
./targetdep.tex:69: @menu reference to nonexistent node `isgreater'
./targetdep.tex:70: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ldexp'
./targetdep.tex:71: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log'
./targetdep.tex:72: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log10'
./targetdep.tex:73: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log1p'
./targetdep.tex:74: @menu reference to nonexistent node `log2'
./targetdep.tex:75: @menu reference to nonexistent node `logb'
./targetdep.tex:76: @menu reference to nonexistent node `lrint'
./targetdep.tex:77: @menu reference to nonexistent node `lround'
./targetdep.tex:78: @menu reference to nonexistent node `matherr'
./targetdep.tex:79: @menu reference to nonexistent node `modf'
./targetdep.tex:80: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nan'
./targetdep.tex:81: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nearbyint'
./targetdep.tex:82: @menu reference to nonexistent node `nextafter'
./targetdep.tex:83: @menu reference to nonexistent node `pow'
./targetdep.tex:84: @menu reference to nonexistent node `remainder'
./targetdep.tex:85: @menu reference to nonexistent node `remquo'
./targetdep.tex:86: @menu reference to nonexistent node `rint'
./targetdep.tex:87: @menu reference to nonexistent node `round'
./targetdep.tex:88: @menu reference to nonexistent node `scalbn'
./targetdep.tex:89: @menu reference to nonexistent node `signbit'
./targetdep.tex:90: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sin'
./targetdep.tex:91: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sinh'
./targetdep.tex:92: @menu reference to nonexistent node `sqrt'
./targetdep.tex:93: @menu reference to nonexistent node `tan'
./targetdep.tex:94: @menu reference to nonexistent node `tanh'
./targetdep.tex:95: @menu reference to nonexistent node `trunc'
./targetdep.tex:228: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cabs'
./targetdep.tex:229: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cacos'
./targetdep.tex:230: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cacosh'
./targetdep.tex:231: @menu reference to nonexistent node `carg'
./targetdep.tex:232: @menu reference to nonexistent node `casin'
./targetdep.tex:233: @menu reference to nonexistent node `casinh'
./targetdep.tex:234: @menu reference to nonexistent node `catan'
./targetdep.tex:235: @menu reference to nonexistent node `catanh'
./targetdep.tex:236: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ccos'
./targetdep.tex:237: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ccosh'
./targetdep.tex:238: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cexp'
./targetdep.tex:239: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cimag'
./targetdep.tex:240: @menu reference to nonexistent node `clog'
./targetdep.tex:241: @menu reference to nonexistent node `conj'
./targetdep.tex:242: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cpow'
./targetdep.tex:243: @menu reference to nonexistent node `cproj'
./targetdep.tex:244: @menu reference to nonexistent node `creal'
./targetdep.tex:245: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csin'
./targetdep.tex:246: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csinh'
./targetdep.tex:247: @menu reference to nonexistent node `csqrt'
./targetdep.tex:248: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ctan'
./targetdep.tex:249: @menu reference to nonexistent node `ctanh'
make[4]: *** [libm.html] Error 1

Previous to that there are also some warnings for libc:

rm -rf libc.htp
if makeinfo --split-size=5000000 --split-size=5000000  --html   -I /home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libc \
 -o libc.htp /home/freddie/bleeding-edge-toolchain/src/newlib/newlib/libc/libc.texinfo; \
then \
  rm -rf libc.html; \
  if test ! -d libc.htp && test -d libc; then \
    mv libc libc.html; else mv libc.htp libc.html; fi; \
else \
  if test ! -d libc.htp && test -d libc; then \
    rm -rf libc; else rm -Rf libc.htp libc.html; fi; \
  exit 1; \
stdlib/div.def:1: warning: node next `div' in menu `ecvtbuf' and in sectioning `ecvt' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:1: warning: node next `ecvt' in menu `__env_lock' and in sectioning `gvcvt' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:1: warning: node prev `ecvt' in menu `ecvtbuf' and in sectioning `div' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:60: warning: node next `gvcvt' in menu `exit' and in sectioning `ecvtbuf' differ
stdlib/efgcvt.def:60: warning: node prev `gvcvt' in menu `__env_lock' and in sectioning `ecvt' differ
stdlib/ecvtbuf.def:1: warning: node next `ecvtbuf' in menu `ecvt' and in sectioning `__env_lock' differ
stdlib/ecvtbuf.def:1: warning: node prev `ecvtbuf' in menu `div' and in sectioning `gvcvt' differ
stdlib/envlock.def:1: warning: node next `__env_lock' in menu `gvcvt' and in sectioning `exit' differ
stdlib/envlock.def:1: warning: node prev `__env_lock' in menu `ecvt' and in sectioning `ecvtbuf' differ
stdlib/exit.def:1: warning: node prev `exit' in menu `gvcvt' and in sectioning `__env_lock' differ
stdlib/mlock.def:1: warning: node next `__malloc_lock' in menu `mbsrtowcs' and in sectioning `mblen' differ
stdlib/mblen.def:1: warning: node next `mblen' in menu `mbtowc' and in sectioning `mbsrtowcs' differ
stdlib/mblen.def:1: warning: node prev `mblen' in menu `mbstowcs' and in sectioning `__malloc_lock' differ
stdlib/mbsnrtowcs.def:1: warning: node prev `mbsrtowcs' in menu `__malloc_lock' and in sectioning `mblen' differ
stdlib/mbstowcs.def:1: warning: node next `mbstowcs' in menu `mblen' and in sectioning `mbtowc' differ
stdlib/mbtowc.def:1: warning: node prev `mbtowc' in menu `mblen' and in sectioning `mbstowcs' differ
ctype/iswalpha.def:1: warning: node next `iswalpha' in menu `iswblank' and in sectioning `iswcntrl' differ
ctype/iswcntrl.def:1: warning: node next `iswcntrl' in menu `iswdigit' and in sectioning `iswblank' differ
ctype/iswcntrl.def:1: warning: node prev `iswcntrl' in menu `iswblank' and in sectioning `iswalpha' differ
ctype/iswblank.def:1: warning: node next `iswblank' in menu `iswcntrl' and in sectioning `iswdigit' differ
ctype/iswblank.def:1: warning: node prev `iswblank' in menu `iswalpha' and in sectioning `iswcntrl' differ
ctype/iswdigit.def:1: warning: node prev `iswdigit' in menu `iswcntrl' and in sectioning `iswblank' differ

But these make no harm - libc.html is generated and seems to be correct - it's libm.html that causes trouble.

diff --git a/newlib/libc/libc.texinfo b/newlib/libc/libc.texinfo
index b75d577..74d448d 100644
--- a/newlib/libc/libc.texinfo
+++ b/newlib/libc/libc.texinfo
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ usage as the ANSI C version from @file{stdarg.h}.
 @printindex cp
-% I think something like @colophon should be in texinfo.  In the
+% I think something like @@colophon should be in texinfo.  In the
 % meantime:
 \long\def\colophon{\hbox to0pt{}\vfill
 \centerline{The body of this manual is set in}
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ usage as the ANSI C version from @file{stdarg.h}.
 \centerline{are used for emphasis.}\vfill}
-% Blame:, 28mar91.
+% Blame:, 28mar91.
 @end tex
diff --git a/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo b/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo
index 49e66e9..147dc7e 100644
--- a/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo
+++ b/newlib/libm/libm.texinfo
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
 @end titlepage
 @end iftex
 @node Top
 @top LIBM
-@end ifinfo
+@end ifnottex
 * Math::           The mathematical functions (`math.h').
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ For such platforms, the long double math functions are implemented as calls to t
 @printindex cp
-% I think something like @colophon should be in texinfo.  In the
+% I think something like @@colophon should be in texinfo.  In the
 % meantime:
 \long\def\colophon{\hbox to0pt{}\vfill
 \centerline{The body of this manual is set in}
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ For such platforms, the long double math functions are implemented as calls to t
 \centerline{are used for emphasis.}\vfill}
-% Blame:, 28mar91.
+% Blame:, 28mar91.
 @end tex

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