[pthread-win32] Re: pthreads on Win2k

Tristan Savatier tristan@mpegtv.com
Fri Mar 23 12:58:00 GMT 2001

Stephen R. Johns wrote:
> Probably not related, but just in case...
> I've been trying to port a linux program to pthreadw32, and found
> a mutex issue/difference.
> Linux allows threads other than the locking thread to unlock a mutex,
> but pthreads does not.

I don't recall that the POSIX standard places a restriction on
which thread can unlock a mutex, but it does not look like good
programming style to have a mutex locked and unlocked by different

If posix-thread places a restriction that is not defined by the
standard, it should be documented.  It does not look like this
one is a real problem... looks like POSIX should have put the
restriction in the standard!  I suppose that the underlying win32
threads do have this restriction.


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