destroying a locked mutex

Bossom, John John.Bossom@Cognos.COM
Tue Jul 24 10:04:00 GMT 2001

The book, Programming with POSIX Threads indicates that
pthread_mutex_destroy has the
following return values:

	[EBUSY]	mutex is in use.
	[EINVAL]	mutex is invalid.

Hint: Safets after unlocking mutex, when no other threads will lock.

Multithreaded Programmin with PThreads:
	[EBUSY]	Attempt to destroy a locked mutex.

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott McCaskill [ ]
Sent: July 24, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: destroying a locked mutex

Should pthread_mutex_destroy() return an error if the mutex is locked?
pthreads-win32 seems to disagree with the linux implementation of pthreads
on this point (OK on windows, not on linux).

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