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Pthread win32 lite and LGPL static linking

Thanks for making pthreads-win32 available.

I lead the CinePaint project. We check-in 3rd-party lib sources into our CVS so that when a CinePaint Windows developer does a check-out he or she has everything necessary to create a build. I've cut down Pthreads for Windows into a much smaller lite version that contains just the source files needed to build CinePaint Glasgow, list enclosed below. Our libpthread.lib file is about 300kb.

We prefer to use small libs with static linking. FLTK, another LGPL lib we're using, offers a static linking exception to its LGPL license to accommodate that. Would you be able to do that for us, too?

Robin Rowe

cleanup.c global.c implement.h pthread.h pthread_cancel.c pthread_cond_destroy.c pthread_cond_init.c pthread_cond_signal.c pthread_cond_wait.c pthread_detach.c pthread_equal.c pthread_getspecific.c pthread_join.c pthread_key_create.c pthread_key_delete.c pthread_kill.c pthread_mutex_destroy.c pthread_mutex_init.c pthread_mutex_lock.c pthread_mutex_trylock.c pthread_mutex_unlock.c pthread_self.c pthread_setspecific.c pthread_testcancel.c pthread_win32_attach_detach_np.c ptw32_InterlockedCompareExchange.c ptw32_callUserDestroyRoutines.c ptw32_cond_check_need_init.c ptw32_mutex_check_need_init.c ptw32_new.c ptw32_processInitialize.c ptw32_processTerminate.c ptw32_relmillisecs.c ptw32_reuse.c ptw32_semwait.c ptw32_threadDestroy.c ptw32_throw.c ptw32_tkAssocCreate.c ptw32_tkAssocDestroy.c sched.h sem_destroy.c sem_init.c sem_post.c sem_post_multiple.c sem_timedwait.c sem_wait.c semaphore.h w32_CancelableWait.c

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