Linking problem

Mats Aubell
Fri May 12 08:13:00 GMT 2006

Hi all, 

I'm having problems getting the pthread library to work. I've followed the
instructions which can be found in the faq
( I have the dll file in the
Windows catalog. The 3 headers files are in the same folder and the lib file
has been added through the tools->options->projects->vc++ directories. When
I compile I get this error msg:

ssds error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__pthread_create
referenced in function _main

The relevant source code can be seen under. 

#include "pthread.h"

void * threadBehavior(void * arg)
	return 0;	

pthread_t m_threadBehavior;

int	main(int argc, char	*argv[])
if (pthread_create(&m_threadBehavior, NULL, threadBehavior, NULL))
    printf("Cannot create the behavior thread.\n");   
    return false;
return 0;

I'm running WinXP and Microsoft Visual Studio 2003. Getting quite desperate
for help, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Mats Aubell

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