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Re: feature request: not need to specify PTW32_STATIC_LIB for static usage possible ?

On 2/20/13, Roger Pack <> wrote:
>> Sounds like you wanted to address this to the list but I think you
>> replied only to me.
> oops, moving back on list...suggest the ML be modified so the default
> reply-to is the ML :)
>> In Linux, the usual 'static' qualifier on declarations controls
>> visibility, regardless of dynamic or static linking but is restricted to
>> a file (or perhaps more accurately a compilation unit). If this isn't
>> convenient then GCC 4 and above recognise __attribute__
>> ((visibility("hidden"))), and also "#pragma GCC visibility
>> push(hidden)/#pragma GCC visibility pop" for block coverage in e.g.
>> header files. Otherwise everything is visible by default.
>> So I believe GNU can build a Windows dynamic or static library using the
>> merged pthread.c after adding 'static' qualifiers where necessary, but I
>> don't know off-hand if this works for MSVS. If it does, i.e. replace the
>> need for _declspec(export/import), then we probably have a solution.

I saw this the other day in a script that installs win32-pthreads:

for file in 'pthread.h' 'sched.h' 'semaphore.h'; do
  ed -s "$prefix/include/$file" <<< $'g/ __declspec (dllexport)/s///g\nw\nq'
  ed -s "$prefix/include/$file" <<< $'g/ __declspec (dllimport)/s///g\nw\nq'

I'll admit that it is a bit frustrating to have to do
for anything that ends up using pthreads...


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