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Re: How to customize the Print Stylesheet and the BeginPage Tag

/ Ernst Lehmann <> was heard to say:
| I have some problems in using the BeginPage Tag. Every try I did, there is 
| no result. The following section does not start on the next page. It seems 
| that this tag is ignored ?? Does anybody know if it works, and how it 
| works ? I want to use it in conjunction with the Print Stylesheet.

That's not what it's for. From the documentation:


  The BeginPage element marks the location of an actual page break
  in a print version of the document, as opposed to where a page
  break might appear in a further rendition of the document. This
  information may be used, for example, to allow support staff
  using an online system to coordinate with a user referring to a
  page number in a printed manual.

  Processing expectations

  The break identified by BeginPage may be displayed in an online
  version of the document or used for legacy purposes, but it is
  not expected to cause a page break when the document is
  processed by an SGML system.

| Another question I have:
| How can I customize the Font-Size of the Headlines for sect1, sect2, etc.
| I tried to customize the %hsize-bump-factor% to 1.0 or to .5 in the Stylesheet. But 
| I found no result, after generating the TexOutput. It seems the fonts have 
| the same size. 

Hmmm. I would have expected that to work. Anyone else tried this?
Is it a JadeTeX problem (seems unlikely...)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <>      | A life, admirable at first sight,                 | may have cost so much in imposed
                                   | liabilities, chores and
                                   | self-abasement, that, brilliant
                                   | though it appears, it cannot be
                                   | considered other than a failure.
                                   | Another, which seems to have
                                   | misfired, is in reality a
                                   | triumphant success, because it has
                                   | cost so little.--Henry De
                                   | Montherlant

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