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Re: Problems generating man pages


In article <>,
  at Thu, 27 Apr 2000 09:31:43 -0400,
    on Problems generating man pages, writes:

> The problem I'm having is that character entities don't seem to be resolved
> correctly.  For example, I have square brackets [] in my LyX source, which
> get translated to &lsqb; and &rsqb; when I export to SGML.  But when I run
> "sgml2txt -m file.sgml", the resulting has "[lsqb     ]" and
> "[rsqb  ]" instead of raw square brackets.  If I just convert to regular
> text (by removing the -m option), the resulting file.txt DOES have the
> brackets translated correctly.
> I decided to put my finger on the problem (in spite of knowing Nothing
> about Perl) and I traced the problem to the following conditional in
> /usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/ (near line 84):
>   if ($txt->{manpage})
>     {($txt->{manpage})nger
>       copy ($infile, $outfile);
>       return;
>     }
> When this leg is taken, a bunch of TOC logic is bypassed, but code to
> replace character entities is being skipped as well.  If I "comment out"
> the aforementioned lines, I get usable man page output.  Does someone have
> a suggestion as to how this should be fixed?  I don't feel comfortable
> enough with Perl or the logic flow of the sgmltools in general to submit a
> patch.

Can you try the patch which can be downloaded from ?
or, ?

These patch includes the fixes for that problem, I think.

  Taketoshi Sano: <>,<>,<>

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