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Re: experimental release of linuxdoc-tools (based on sgml-tools

* (Cees de Groot) wrote:
> It looks like SGMLtools-Lite, in order to be compliant with the upcoming LSB 
> recommendation for SGML stuff, needs to parse out the document type of its 
> input document anyway; that would be an option to provide wrappers around 
> SGMLtools-Lite that call linuxdoc-tools (or whatever you call it - the "old 
> Perl stuff for LinuxDoc") so people could indeed trigger everything with 
> "sgmltools --backend....".

Instead of parsing the document type it would be a much simpler solution
to rename the backends according to the DTD, so one could say "sgmltools
--backend db2html" to convert DocBook to HTML and "sgmltools --backend
ld2html" to convert LinuxDoc to HTML. This requires the user to know
which DTD his document follows, but at least there would be one wrapper
instead of two. 


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