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Re: Testsuite run on ppc64

William Cohen wrote:

Hien, Thanks for running the the tests on PPC64. The systemtap.log won't give the details on the compilation failure, stap hides thoes details. Could you do the following?

For systemtap.base/kmodule.stp:

1) stap -V -k ./systemtap.base/kmodule.stp compilation >& error.txt

# stap -v -k ./systemtap.base/kmodule.stp
Created temporary directory "/tmp/stapLIUsfb"
Searched '/usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset/2.6.9-22.EL/*.stp', match count 0
Searched '/usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset/2.6.9/*.stp', match count 0
Searched '/usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset/2.6/*.stp', match count 0
Searched '/usr/local/share/systemtap/tapset/*.stp', match count 9
Pass 1: parsed user script and 9 library script(s).
parsed 'ext3_sync_file' -> func 'ext3_sync_file'
pattern 'ext3' matches module 'ext3'
focused on module 'ext3' = [7fffffffffffffff-80000000000324f8, bias 0]
WARNING: cannot find module ext3 debuginfo: No such file or directory
semantic error: no match for probe point
while: resolving probe point module("ext3").function("ext3_sync_file")
Pass 2: analyzed user script. 2 probe(s), 10 function(s), 1 global(s).
Pass 2: analysis failed. Try again with '-v' (verbose) option.
Keeping temporary directory "/tmp/stapLIUsfb"

I am not sure why it cound not find the debug info for ext3.
# rpm -qa | grep kernel

2) post the error.txt and a tarball of the generated kernel module

For ./systemtap.samples/symbols.exp it looks like it only matched one line. Maybe modify the ./systemtap.samples/symbols.exp like the following to find out which line it is matching on. It looks like the regular expression needs to be corrected.

set test "symbols"

spawn stap -g ./$subdir/symbols.stp
set ok 0
expect {
-timeout 30
-re { 0x[a-f0-9]+.*\r} { incr ok; pass "$test matches"; exp_continue; }
timeout { fail "$test (timeout)" }
eof { }

I get this test passed with Frank suggestion.

It is odd that the results for the automated run of syscall1.stp and syscall2.stp differ from running by hand.


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