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Re: Measure the Accept Queueing Time

Hi -

ak wrote:

> The probes itself are not nested. Just the to be measured function is.

Aha.  So, rewording (just for my own clarity), this is the sequence:

entry probe A
entry probe A'
return probe A'
return probe A

And you want to measure time between A-A and A'-A'.

It seems you could do this if you invent a unique-ID for each A or A'
entry, like using a per-CPU counter, then using that as an index:

global nesting # [cpu]
global entrytime # [cpu,nesting#]

probe A {
  c = cpu(); n = nesting[c]++; entrytime[c,n] = gettimeofday_us()
probe A.return {
  c = cpu(); n = --nesting[c]; then = entrytime[c,n]; now = gettimeofday_us()

- FChE

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