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Re: marking tapset files

Frank Ch. Eigler wrote:

Hi -

On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 01:56:54PM -0800, Vara Prasad wrote:


[...] My proposal would
be let us change the extension of tapsets as .tap and scripts to
remain as .stp

Do you believe that this measure, by itself, would have been enough to
keep your users from running them directly?

I went back and discussed with all the users who ran into this problem
and the answer i got back was unanimous yes. [...]

I wonder if that answer would change, if we were to have both .tap and
.stp files sprinkled around. [...]

Well they said they like the way the current tapsets are all under one directory although they would prefer a sub directory structure below it. I would think the answer would be even resounding yes to have different extensions for scripts and tapsets if we have them mixed.

- FChE

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