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Re: Systemtap Client/Server Update

Dave Brolley <> writes:

> I don't understand why the client/server and related scripts should
> be part of the runtime. [...]

It's more of an minimal installation issue.  On a machine with no
local compiler/debuginfo, a sysadmin will want to install
systemtap-runtime so as to be able to execute remotely-compiled
modules.  In order to use the automatic network compilation widget,
they'd also need stap-client and its requisites.  (They would not want
to install the entire systemtap toolchain.)

For the moment, this could mean a new subrpm systemtap-netclient,
systemtap-runtime, that includes just those client-side scripts (and
some %require clauses).  The server-side code scripts could go into
the core systemtap subrpm, or a separate subrpm perhaps if the
dependencies are too numerous/unusual.

> [...] Yes, avahi-tools is needed. nc is also currently used. How do
> I find out which package it comes in (if any)?

It's possible to list file names as dependencies (e.g. /usr/bin/nc) if
the rpm package name (rpm -qf FILE) tends to change between distro

- FChE

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