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Re: Systemtap Client/Server Update

Dave Brolley wrote:
Masami Hiramatsu wrote:
No, I recommend you to move only "client-side" scripts to
systemtap-runtime package(the same section as %{_bindir/staprun}).
So, "server-side" scripts should be left in systemtap package.

I think users want to use those client-side scripts without
installing server-side scripts and stap itself.
OK. I understand now and agree.
I just pushed this change.
And also, could you make clear what packages are required for those
server/client scripts?
As far as I can see, it seems that avahi-tools is needed for those
scripts. in that case, it might be better to add those packages to
"Requires:" in "%package runtime" section.

... and this one.

I've also addressed Frank's concerns about starting/stopping the server in the top level Makefile. This is now done in systemtap.exp. There were also problems reported with 'make check' not having the correct PATH. This should now be fixed as well. Finally, EXTRA_TOOL_OPTS is now simply TOOL_OPTS, so you test using the server as follows:

make TOOL_OPTS=server check

'make check' now passes for me using the client/server except for the attached failures which are due to the test harness changing the environment after the server has been started. i.e. these tests require changes to the environment which the server does not see because it has already been started before any tests are run. Not sure what to do about that. Make them XFAIL for client/server? Stop and restart the server? (not an option if the server was already running).

I'll now see how 'make installcheck' does.


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