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Re: [RFC][PATCH 3/4] kprobe-based symbol resolution for stap-translator

Prerna Saxena wrote:
Here's a set of patches which enable the stap-translator to utilize kprobes for resolving function addresses.
( Similar to James Bottomley's patch sent out last july )
In place of resolving probe points in semantic pass (Pass 2 ) by consulting vmlinux/debuginfo, this approach defers symbol resolution to the generated kprobes module. The kprobes module is passed the name of the function to be probed, which gets resolved against the kernel symbol tables to insert probes.

This construct can be invoked using a new switch "--ksym" .

In its present form, it is capable of probing function entry & returns (non-inlines). It does /*not*/ support :
* a wildcard - based search for module/function names
* probing select/all functions in a given source file
* probing inline functions.
* statement probes

Known issues :
1. Apparently systemtap modules pick up build-id from the debuginfo files. Since debuginfo lookup is completely bypassed here, the generated stap modules fail a consistency check later owing to incorrect build id. For now, patch 4 comments out this check and the stap modules run fine, but I'd appreciate some pointers on how to set it right. :-)

2. An incorrect indentation parameter passed to the translated output in pass 3 causes stap to abort due to assert failure. Patch 4 corrects this as well.

Patches :
1. kallsym_patch_1 , kallsym_patch_2 : introduce changes to session.h / main.cxx for the new switch "--ksym"
2. kallsym_patch_3 : changes to tapsets.cxx.
3. kallsym_patch_4 : workarounds for known problems.

I'm working on fine-tuning its capabilities.....looking fwd to suggestions... :-)

Prerna Saxena

Linux Technology Centre,
IBM Systems and Technology Lab,
Bangalore, India

Index: git-02-mar/tapsets.cxx
--- git-02-mar.orig/tapsets.cxx
+++ git-02-mar/tapsets.cxx
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ struct dwflpp
-    if (debuginfo_needed)
+    if (debuginfo_needed && !sess.consult_kallsym)
       dwfl_assert (string("missing ") + sess.architecture +
                    string(" kernel/module debuginfo under '") +
                    sess.kernel_build_tree + string("'"),
@@ -2572,6 +2572,7 @@ struct dwarf_derived_probe: public deriv
                        int line,
                        const string& module,
                        const string& section,
+                       const string& symbol_str,
 		       Dwarf_Addr dwfl_addr,
 		       Dwarf_Addr addr,
 		       dwarf_query & q,
@@ -2579,6 +2580,7 @@ struct dwarf_derived_probe: public deriv
   string module;
   string section;
+  string symbol_string;
   Dwarf_Addr addr;
   bool has_return;
   bool has_maxactive;
@@ -3633,7 +3635,9 @@ dwarf_query::add_probe_point(const strin
           assert (has_kernel || has_module);
           results.push_back (new dwarf_derived_probe(funcname, filename, line,
-                                                     module, reloc_section, addr, reloc_addr,
+                                                     module, reloc_section,
+						     funcname,
+						     addr, reloc_addr,
                                                      *this, scope_die));
@@ -5120,7 +5124,7 @@ dwarf_derived_probe::printsig (ostream& 
   // function instances.  This is distinct from the verbose/clog
   // output, since this part goes into the cache hash calculations.
   sole_location()->print (o);
-  o << " /* pc=" << section << "+0x" << hex << addr << dec << " */";
+  o << " /* symbol: "<< symbol_string <<" pc=" << section << "+0x" << hex << addr << dec << " */";
   printsig_nested (o);
@@ -5143,6 +5147,7 @@ dwarf_derived_probe::dwarf_derived_probe
                                          // (equivalently module=="kernel")
                                          const string& module,
                                          const string& section,
+					 const string& symbol_str,
                                          // NB: dwfl_addr is the virtualized
                                          // address for this symbol.
                                          Dwarf_Addr dwfl_addr,
@@ -5152,7 +5157,7 @@ dwarf_derived_probe::dwarf_derived_probe
                                          dwarf_query& q,
                                          Dwarf_Die* scope_die /* may be null */)
   : derived_probe (q.base_probe, new probe_point(*q.base_loc) /* .components soon rewritten */ ),
-    module (module), section (section), addr (addr),
+    module (module), section (section), symbol_string (symbol_str), addr (addr),
     has_return (q.has_return),
     has_maxactive (q.has_maxactive),
     maxactive_val (q.maxactive_val)
@@ -5353,6 +5358,8 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_d
   s.op->newline() << "#error \"Need CONFIG_KPROBES!\"";
   s.op->newline() << "#endif";
+  s.op->newline() << "#define KALLSYMS_USED " << s.consult_kallsym;
+  s.op->newline();
   // Forward declare the master entry functions
   s.op->newline() << "static int enter_kprobe_probe (struct kprobe *inst,";
@@ -5387,8 +5394,8 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_d
   // Let's find some stats for the three embedded strings.  Maybe they
   // are small and uniform enough to justify putting char[MAX]'s into
   // the array instead of relocated char*'s.
-  size_t module_name_max = 0, section_name_max = 0, pp_name_max = 0;
-  size_t module_name_tot = 0, section_name_tot = 0, pp_name_tot = 0;
+  size_t module_name_max = 0, section_name_max = 0, pp_name_max = 0, symbol_string_name_max = 0;
+  size_t module_name_tot = 0, section_name_tot = 0, pp_name_tot = 0, symbol_string_name_tot = 0;
   size_t all_name_cnt = probes_by_module.size(); // for average
   for (p_b_m_iterator it = probes_by_module.begin(); it != probes_by_module.end(); it++)
@@ -5400,6 +5407,7 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_d
       DOIT(module_name, p->module.size());
       DOIT(section_name, p->section.size());
       DOIT(pp_name, lex_cast_qstring(*p->sole_location()).size());
+      DOIT(symbol_string_name,p->symbol_string.size());
 #undef DOIT
@@ -5422,6 +5430,7 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_d
+  CALCIT(symbol_string);
   s.op->newline() << "const unsigned long address;";
   s.op->newline() << "void (* const ph) (struct context*);";
@@ -5444,7 +5453,8 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_d
       s.op->line() << " .module=\"" << p->module << "\",";
       s.op->line() << " .section=\"" << p->section << "\",";
       s.op->line() << " .pp=" << lex_cast_qstring (*p->sole_location()) << ",";
-      s.op->line() << " .ph=&" << p->name;
+      s.op->line() << " .ph=&" << p->name << ",";
+      s.op->line() << " .symbol_string=\""<< p->symbol_string <<"\"";
       s.op->line() << " },";
@@ -5502,11 +5512,19 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_i
   s.op->newline() << "for (i=0; i<" << probes_by_module.size() << "; i++) {";
   s.op->newline(1) << "struct stap_dwarf_probe *sdp = & stap_dwarf_probes[i];";
   s.op->newline() << "struct stap_dwarf_kprobe *kp = & stap_dwarf_kprobes[i];";
-  s.op->newline() << "unsigned long relocated_addr = _stp_module_relocate (sdp->module, sdp->section, sdp->address);";
-  s.op->newline() << "if (relocated_addr == 0) continue;"; // quietly; assume module is absent
+  s.op->newline() << "unsigned long relocated_addr = 0;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if(!KALLSYMS_USED)";
+  s.op->newline() << "   {";
+  s.op->newline() << "     relocated_addr = _stp_module_relocate (sdp->module, sdp->section, sdp->address);";
+  s.op->newline() << "     if (relocated_addr == 0) continue;"; // quietly; assume module is absent
+  s.op->newline() << "   } ";
   s.op->newline() << "probe_point = sdp->pp;"; // for error messages
   s.op->newline() << "if (sdp->return_p) {";
-  s.op->newline(1) << "kp-> = (void *) relocated_addr;";
+  s.op->newline() << "kp-> = (void *) relocated_addr;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if(KALLSYMS_USED)";
+  s.op->newline() << "   {";
+  s.op->newline() << "      kp-> = sdp->symbol_string;";
+  s.op->newline() << "   }";
   s.op->newline() << "if (sdp->maxactive_p) {";
   s.op->newline(1) << "kp->u.krp.maxactive = sdp->maxactive_val;";
   s.op->newline(-1) << "} else {";
@@ -5517,6 +5535,10 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_i
   s.op->newline() << "#ifdef __ia64__";
   s.op->newline() << "kp->dummy.addr = kp->;";
   s.op->newline() << "kp->dummy.pre_handler = NULL;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if(KALLSYMS_USED)";
+  s.op->newline() << "   {";
+  s.op->newline() << "      kp->dummy.symbol_name = sdp->symbol_string;";
+  s.op->newline() << "   }";
   s.op->newline() << "rc = register_kprobe (& kp->dummy);";
   s.op->newline() << "if (rc == 0) {";
   s.op->newline(1) << "rc = register_kretprobe (& kp->u.krp);";
@@ -5529,10 +5551,18 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_i
   s.op->newline(-1) << "} else {";
   // to ensure safeness of bspcache, always use aggr_kprobe on ia64
   s.op->newline(1) << "kp-> = (void *) relocated_addr;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if(KALLSYMS_USED)";
+  s.op->newline() << "   {";
+  s.op->newline() << "      kp-> = sdp->symbol_string;";
+  s.op->newline() << "   }";
   s.op->newline() << "kp-> = &enter_kprobe_probe;";
   s.op->newline() << "#ifdef __ia64__";
   s.op->newline() << "kp->dummy.addr = kp->;";
   s.op->newline() << "kp->dummy.pre_handler = NULL;";
+  s.op->newline() << "if(KALLSYMS_USED)";
+  s.op->newline() << "   {";
+  s.op->newline() << "      kp->dummy.symbol_name = sdp->symbol_string;";
+  s.op->newline() << "   }";
   s.op->newline() << "rc = register_kprobe (& kp->dummy);";
   s.op->newline() << "if (rc == 0) {";
   s.op->newline(1) << "rc = register_kprobe (& kp->;";
@@ -5545,7 +5575,16 @@ dwarf_derived_probe_group::emit_module_i
   s.op->newline(-1) << "}";
   s.op->newline() << "if (rc) {"; // PR6749: tolerate a failed register_*probe.
   s.op->newline(1) << "sdp->registered_p = 0;";
-  s.op->newline() << "_stp_warn (\"probe %s registration error (rc %d)\", probe_point, rc);";
+  s.op->newline() << " if(KALLSYMS_USED && rc == -EINVAL) ";
+  s.op->newline() << " {";
+  s.op->newline() << "   _stp_error(\"Error registering kprobe,possibly an incorrect name : %s\", sdp->symbol_string); ";
+  s.op->newline() << "   atomic_set (&session_state, STAP_SESSION_ERROR);";
+  s.op->newline() << "   goto out;";
+  s.op->newline() << " }";
+  s.op->newline() << " else";
+  s.op->newline() << "_stp_warn (\"probe %s for %s registration error (rc %d)\", probe_point, sdp->pp, rc);";
   s.op->newline() << "rc = 0;"; // continue with other probes
   // XXX: shall we increment numskipped?
   s.op->newline(-1) << "}";
@@ -5782,10 +5821,6 @@ dwarf_builder::build(systemtap_session &
   dwarf_query q(sess, base, location, *dw, parameters, finished_results);
-  // XXX: kernel.statement.absolute is a special case that requires no
-  // dwfl processing.  This code should be in a separate builder.
   if (q.has_kernel && q.has_absolute)
       // assert guru mode for absolute probes
@@ -5799,13 +5834,52 @@ dwarf_builder::build(systemtap_session &
       // dwarf_derived_probe right here and now.
       dwarf_derived_probe* p =
         new dwarf_derived_probe ("", "", 0, "kernel", "",
-                                 q.statement_num_val, q.statement_num_val,
+                                 q.function_str_val,
+				 q.statement_num_val, q.statement_num_val,
                                  q, 0);
       finished_results.push_back (p);
       sess.unwindsym_modules.insert ("kernel");
+  //consult_kallsym case : leave the name resolution to kprobes
+  if (sess.consult_kallsym )
+     {
+	   if (q.has_statement_str)
+		throw semantic_error("statement probes not supported with kprobes based symbol resolution");
+	   if (q.function_str_val == "")
+		throw semantic_error("empty function name string");
+	   string sym_funcname = q.function_str_val;
+	   unsigned int sym_length = sym_funcname.size();
+           if ( (sym_funcname.find_first_of('@',0) < sym_length ) || (sym_funcname.find_first_of(':',0) < sym_length ) || (sym_funcname.find_first_of('*',0)< sym_length) )
+		throw semantic_error("kprobe-based symbol resolution doesn not support wildcards or source-file based probing : " + sym_funcname + "\n");
+	    if (q.has_inline)
+		throw semantic_error("kprobe-based resolution does not support inlines \n");
+       	    if (q.has_kernel)
+	  	{
+ 	    	  dwarf_derived_probe* p =
+	          new dwarf_derived_probe (q.function_str_val, "", 0, "kernel", "",
+	               			   q.function_str_val, 0, 0, q, NULL );
+                  finished_results.push_back (p);
+                  sess.unwindsym_modules.insert ("kernel");
+                  return;
+                }
+            else if (q.has_module)
+	        {
+ 	          dwarf_derived_probe* p =
+	          new dwarf_derived_probe (q.function_str_val, "", 0, module_name, "",
+	               			   q.function_str_val, 0, 0, q, NULL );
+                  finished_results.push_back (p);
+                  sess.unwindsym_modules.insert (module_name);
+                  return;
+                 }
+      }
+  // XXX: kernel.statement.absolute is a special case that requires no
+  // dwfl processing.  This code should be in a separate builder.

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